Logos 5 Orthodox
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Proof-texts of St. John Chrysostom on Guilt and Sin
“Now we know that what things soever the Law saith, it saith to them who are under the Law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.”… He does not say the Jew, but the whole of mankind. For the phrase, “that every mouth may be stopped,” is […]

Proof texts refferring to Toll Houses
These were gathered by http://www.saintjonah.org/articles/tollhouses.htm A couple of things I would like to do in the future: Confirm that the translations are legit and accurate. Confirm the dates of some of the material that do not have any dates. Anyway, here are the proof-texts: Patristic Evidence: St. Mark of Ephesus: “But if souls have departed this life […]

St. Chrysostom on Hell: a collection of proof texts
“For when you hear of fire, do not suppose the fire in that world to be like this: for fire in this world burns up and makes away with anything which it takes hold of; but that fire is continually burning those who have once been seized by it, and never ceases: therefore also is […]